An Old Sanawarian and ex military Colonel, Anil Kak has been a stalwart in the field of education. Initially principal of Daly College Indore, he went on to risk all, survive severe hardship and without compromise founded Progressive Education School in 1996. The school did not subscribe to the textbook and went on to develop a unique curriculum till class 7. The school reverts to the textbook system from class 8, in line with the obligations to be fulfilled for the board.
Over the years many doubts were raised, much was criticized about the unfamiliar way and style of education. However, nearly 20 years later Progressive Education proved the test of time and result and today stands recognized for some of the best quality, skills, results and overall development of children in the region.
Def. Education (n): The process of giving and receiving systematic Intellectual, moral and social instructions, typically at school or university level.
A typical school in India today is mostly connected with the standard provision of stereotypical course content to finally examine the child’s memory and little else, provision of a set of idealistic morals and dictating rigid social instructions, all of which, come at the cost of quality of the child’s intellectual ability, fortitude and ability to confront changing / new social dynamics encountered throughout life.
At Progressive Education things take a diametrically different approach. The approach to foster conceptual clarity and understanding within academics, to inculcate a firm moral disposition and to develop social skills relevant to a balanced life, ultimately, resulting in the maturity and ability to do well in life and of course, score well in exams.
The school under Col Kak’s guidance has gone from strength to strength over the years, upgrading and reinforcing the difference. This difference remains completely unique even 20 years since it first began.
Welcome to Progressive Education School